Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Unexpected miracles...

It seems like no matter what I do I cannot stay down in Japan.  Now, yes, i realize this will change and have no illusions to the contrary but for now...God is so good.  So, last week in my blog i kind of went on a ti-raid about praying for Japan, now a disclaimer for this statement is that my feelings for the need for prayer in Japan HAVE NOT CHANGED!!!!!, but let me clarify what happened to cause my urgent desire for prayer.
On Saturday we had discover Tokyo day and it went really well.  We went to Odiba and ate lunch and visited kool places.  On the way home i was with my fellow VYMer and friend Jenae.  Now usually this was a totally boring ride home cause it lasts an hour and I'm usually by myself, however, this was not the case this night.  First of all i was traveling home with an open container of green curry.  Long story, but it was entertaining.  Second of all Jenae and i were joking and having good conversation.  As we were passing one of the stations a man jumped in front of our train.  We were in the first car so we could hear and feel everything that came next.  One of the saddest parts for us was that Jenae saw him jump.  
As I'm sure you can imagine after being here a total of three weeks this is not something you want to ever experience, but afterwards you realize how often it does happen.  very seldom is there a day that the word "accident" is not displayed across the train monitors.  It's so hard to be in a place where people have no hope.  It is for that reason that i still demand prayers for japan!!!

So, i consider myself a hopeless romantic, but in Japan there is real hopelessness.  None of this, "oh what if i never find love nonsense?", but honest to goodness, "What have i got to live for?" feelings.  I can't describe to you the fear and desperation it places in my heart.  I don't want to experience this ever again and what's more i don't want another family to have to suffer through the pointless death of a relative.  That's why God brought me here.  He knows how much i care about people and i think with as awful a purpose as satan had in mind for this event God has found the way in which to use it for his glory.  He's lit a fire under my butt to get over all my remaining hang-ups and get out there with his message!  I can think of no better calling than to be a servant of the most high.
He has brought me so much good out of the bad i can only imagine what he has in store for this nation.  He brought Jenae and i closer as friends, he revealed to me people  can turn to in times of distress and crisis, he told me that it's ok to be angry and upset about the goings-on in the world.  It's hard to tell you everything that i have learned in my very short time here.  But with all this i cannot wait to hear what the next 2+ years hold.

GOD is good.  This week has been such a blessing.  Even with my first Japanese test and the events of Saturday i have had one of the best weeks ever.   God put the awesome members of VYM into my life to give me hope and comfort in times of distress.  And this week has had it's fill of both, yet, never was i able to despair.  God always had the right person in mind to reveal to me his greatness.  So, this last bit of the post goes out to my fellow VYMers with much thanks.  Specifically to Kat, Jenae, Matt, Carol, and Haidee and Cindy (they're really like one person anyways).  :P    Each of you with your prayers, conversations, hugs, and friendships have shown me that God intends for me to survive my time in Japan.  And for everyone not mentioned here i am looking forward to the day when i have these moments with you.  Our growing friendships are my anchor in the storms of satan's world.  God Bless Japan.  Sorry, i should say Thank God for blessing Japan!!

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Start now!!!

If you haven't already been doing it pray for Japan!!!  

And DO it now.  I don't care if you know me, i don't care if you've never read this blog before and are just passing through, i don't care if you want to do it just pray.  Tell your friends, tell your family,tell the guy who smiles at you while you're walking down the street, tell everyone!!!  the despair and hopelessness, and the people seeing no other way out than suicide has gone on long enough and only the Lord can stop it.  so get on his case and let him know how important Japan and it's people are!!  Enough is enough!
just, please....pray for Japan.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

My first lament.

So, this is an incredible moment in history.  My first lament from Japan! Hard to believe it took three weeks but here it is.  SO i've been in language classes for about two and a half weeks and so far they've been going pretty well.  And they still are, BUT, it's so impossible i think my eyes brain might melt and end up coming out my nose.  Now don't get me wrong.  Some of it i understand and some of it i don't that's not the problem.  The problem comes when everything i know is something everyone else knows and everything i don't know is also something everyone else knows.  I'm sure it comes from their previous study or current studying habits that i just don't have, but it's still frustrating.  I just want to know and communicate the language.  I want to talk to people instead of being a typical japanese person who rides the trains in silence and gets off when their stop comes up!  I want this nation to be changed through the renewal of their minds with the knowledge of Christ Jesus, but how can i do that if they never hear it?!?!?!?  UGH!!!  SO frustrating!!!  

Although, He is blessing me in other ways beyond measure.  In high school i co
nsidered myself lucky to be the person that friends would come to when they were having difficulties and problems that they just wanted to talk out.  And since i've been in college i haven't been that person, for whatever reason.  But here i feel renewed with the trust that other VYMers and my roommate and other friends have shared with me.  I know it's not quite what i had back in high school but it's a step in the right direction.  I love, love, looooove listening to people and there are people here who talk to me!  It's such a blessing.  I want everyone who talks with me and tells me things that are bothering them, or just talks to talk that i love every second of it and i thank you for your friendship, no matter how distant we may be!!  

Oh!  And i have to tell you.  I had one of the most amazing weekends ever!!  hanging out in
 Exotic cafe's along the ponds of Ueno, 
going to a Japanese Oktoberfest, and sharing in a Passion Conference with 2000 other christians in Japan has filled my heart with love that is stored in every muscle and thought i have.  though the days are rough and the times are new, i know that everything works to the Lord's benefit and i rejoice in knowing that he wants to use me!!  Thank you Lord and use me as you will!!

p.s. after writing this i had an amazing experience on the train where  asked a girl her name: Monami and what kind of movies she liked and she told me she likes fantasy!!  God works wonders when we can't

Friday, October 10, 2008

Oh the places you'll go...

I really don't know how so start so I'll just jump right in.  Japan has brought me a lifetime of information in a two week span of time.  I have learned how to say more in Japanese than i ever did in 2 years of German, I've visited more places and had more fun than I can remember, I've met people who have the same or greater fires for the Lord than I do.  All of these amazing things and I still haven't gotten to the best part yet.  My faith is growing!!   I will not lie and say there aren't days when it's hard to be in language class or just be an outsider, but what I will say is that with all the walls that spring up in front of me, there are so many more ladders than Icould have imagined.  

My Father God has been privy to more of my company than he has ever been used to and the weird thing is...I think he likes it and so do I.  I meet with him everyday on the train to pray for the people I see and those I don't see.  We have conversations, albeit one sided conversations (on my part actually VYMers reading this...most of you understand).  He shows me miracles I didn't know were miracles. He opens my eyes to the loneliness and suffering of people in a way that I didn't expect.   I can't even think of all the stuff he has shoved into my brain lately.  He has taken every worry, every hurt, and every mistrust and exploded them into opportunity and peace.  Not to mention the friends he has used to fill me up with here; Yzma, Carol, Matt, Kim, Lauren, Yukie, Jenae, Becky, and others I've only just begun to know!!  He is challenging me in ways I thought I had under control but realized I do now only through his help.  I'm so filled that it's hard to explain in words.  I think if you saw my face you could see it there and know the depths of my joy more so than any sentence could explain.  

I felt like I should put in here how challenging and difficult things are lately, but I can't.  The struggles and concerns that I have aren't things I place in the forefront of my mind.  They are little hurdles erected by the devil to deter me from my love for this place and the people here.  God is not letting Satan in and I am so grateful for that protection.  My God is an Awesome God and he is reigning in my life to the greatest extent ever!  My prayer is that this joy overflows into others and the people of Japan that they can be without excuse!!!

Romans 1:19-20

p.s. if you have any prayer requests please let me know so my roommate and I can pray for them.