Saturday, September 6, 2008

Tests that have weird grading scales...

the Lord really knows how to test us when we're really gonna need it. Right now his tests consist of letting go. This week i am saying my first final goodbyes. Everytime I leave a friend's apartment or am going to my car, I know the look or the hug that is coming is meant to be the last one. However, I always say I'm here until... and then say we'll see each other again before i leave. I can't let go. I want to go to Japan desperately (especially considering the amount vaccinations have cost) yet i don't want to leave things here. I want to load up my airline Uhaul and fly to Japan with all of my stuff. Yet, I know that the true test from the Lord right now is to let things go. He's trying to show me that stuff doesn't matter and to trust in him. And it's really hard for me!

I think the hardest things to let go of are my friends and family. Not that i'm never going to see them again necissarily, just that i must leave them here as i go forward. It's a journey i want to take but one that will be tought simply for the fact that i am so attached to everything i have here. Oh well, i guess i have to trust in him infinitely more than i already do. Pray for that if anything. Oh, that and fundraising.

And you can take 70 pound dogs with you to Japan right? If not my puppy needs to find a good home. Please let me know if you know of one.
With hope in Christ.


Christel said...

I totally hear ya on that... it's never been so hard to say goodbye. When I read your post I have to admit I felt a sense of comfort knowing you're having these same feelings. These last couple weeks have been so uplifting with people's encouragement but it's torn me apart with test after test. We'll be praying for you! I think we're leaving around the same time :)

Mom said...

God promises not to give you more than you can bear. Rely on Him. He can be your best friend. Wear out your Bible and get to know Him better. Besides, honey, you make friends easily. You will be fine.

mikaba78 said...

It's hard for everyone to let go of things that bring them happiness and comfort. I don't really feel like it's good-bye forever's more like I'll see you later. (Even if you don't make it back to WI, I'll still be here if you need me and I'll still KIT.) I'll never be able to repay you for re-introducing me to God and reminding me how lucky I am to have the friends that I have. The Fantastic Four will survive. Hehehe