So, for the first time in awhile i want to post without the rain drowning out the surrounding sounds in my mind. I want to post simply because of the sheer joy that i experienced today! Now, in a Japanese Church service it is very difficult to feel connected to the congregation because you barely feel connected to the service even though you know it`s basically the same service you`ve experienced your whole life. Not only the service disconnects you but the people as well, more so because you distance yourself from them because you don`t know what to say, or how to start a conversation, or whatever reason may be the cause of your seclusion. Typically this is how i feel in Japan. Disconnected from almost everything because of a language i don`t understand. I say typically because today was not a typical day. Today was Church Christmas Sunday!
There were no gifts to speak of, no revelations of the language that were revealed, nothing special really, just the fact that it was Christmas. In this place where language is a massive barrier Christmas makes everything feel like home. Like a place you don`t want to leave because you`re completely comfortable with the people and everything you`re confronted with. Today I spoke the language of Christ. Nothing getting in the way, nothing making me feel uncomfortable, nothing distancing me from these people, just Christ. That`s all that was needed. Everyone shared the love of a Savior who came to die. Everyone celebrated the birth of a baby meant to suffer. Everyone loved one another the way a God loves his children. Unconditionally. Nothing got in the way, no one was set apart, everyone was a child again. A child of our Lord God.
We played junken (the japanese version of rock, paper, scissors), people played ocarinas, a pastor and i shared a momentary need to hear the other`s music, I was useful if only because i spent money on weird things! (My amp was used today so that the pastor and others could communicate.) , and a gift was shared that wasn`t something you can buy but something given to all. Saito Sensei gave everyone who attended Center Church today a gift; an unassuming envelope. Traditionally these types of envelopes, in America at least, contain money or gift cards. But Sensei`s gift was the gift given to all. Saito Sensei gave us a reminder of what Christmas is supposed to be, Saito Sensei gave us the story. Each person`s envelope contained a portion of the Christmas Story. And once all were handed out, we read them aloud. Everyone got to be a part of this gift just as everyone gets to be a part of Christ`s gift of salvation. I don`t know if Saito Sensi realized the impact this gift had on me, and even though my 日本語はちょっと (my Japanese is little) i was a part of Saito Sensei`s gift as well. I read my part and stood in my place as a messenger of the Christmas Story. And i can think of no other place i would rather be.
Merry CHRISTmas!
When times are good, be happy; but when times are bad, consider: God has made the one as well as the other. Therefore, a man cannot discover anything about his future. Ecclesiastes 7:14
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Let the rain fall
As the rain falls in Japan I cannot help but find myself in a writing mood. I don't know what it is about the rain in Japan but it helps to clear my head, even with high School Musical 3 blaring in the background! So, as the rain has fallen I find myself with nothing to say. Things have happened and I can't quite place my finger on what I've told and what I haven't so I'll just reveal the highlights. Let's see...
Recently me and my fellow missionaries began learning the Kanji used in worship. Now I know i hate language cause it's so difficult for me but i love learning worship Kanji!! It makes sense and i can see where it's used and actually recognize the characters! It's so great. And i love to write it because to me it seems much more like drawing that writing.
Since i last wrote I've gotten the opportunity to hang out with more of the VYMers and get to know the ones who aren't working at center better. Two weeks ago my friend Jenae and i went out for Ramen and let me tell you Japanese Ramen is infinitely better than American Ramen! So good, and while we were eating Ramen and we talked for like 3 hours!! It was great! I can't wait to go out again and talk an uplift one another.
That's not the only time recently that I've been blessed with great fellowship. One Saturday i went to IKEA with Carol, Charity, and Kim and afterwards we went to Yukie's house for crepes. Walking around the store and talking with Charity and Carol, i learned that Charity knew some of the people who i went to college with! I'm continuously amazed at the size of the small yet massive Lutheran bubble i consider myself a part of. anyways after this fun day of buying necessities we went to our director and friend, Yukie's house for a crepe party! Lots of good friends and great food always make for a good time!!
Speaking of which, last week a cheesefest was held that me and several others also attended and let me tell you cheese in Japan is amazing! Especially this cheese fondue that i bought.....sooooo good with fresh bakery bread!
This month has brought so much stuff to update on and the next thing is the Family concert we had a weekend ago. Now first, let me clarify. Family in japan means anyone with whom you have a good and close relationship. So for our family concert, church members, friends, and VYM members were invited and encouraged to play. So several VYM members played and some church members that i didn't really know, and i played!! I bought a guitar and have been trying to learn how to play since i got it and by the time family concert came around I've had my guitar for a week. so i was just going to go and play the one chord that i knew and call it good. however, me being the weird person that i am decided to start out that way and go into a song that i had prepared in advance to the surprise of all. and so I'm pretty sure i gave the worst rendition ever of Sanctuary and continued on with the night. But it was nice to play in front of people, if horribly!
with all of the fun things that have been going on there have also been some good ministry thing working too. One of the things that has been really uplifting to me spiritually has been the Holden evening service held at center once a month. I love the service and the music is amazing! It will be one thing that i take with me after my time here!
the other things is our visit o the Ikegami church. I'll admit to knowing very little about this church but once i got there and met a lot of the people i fell in love with it! We had dinner and a kanji lesson/test afterwards. And played jenga with the church members! It was awesome! I plan to attend this church once a month and be sure to connect with the people there because i love the work i see God doing.
Another amazing thing that happened was Thanksgiving! Now i know you all haven't even had thanksgiving yet but here in Japan we had one heck of a thanksgiving!!! On Friday i skipped Japanese class to help and cook the thanksgiving dinner. (it's a good thing i did too cause otherwise everything would still be cooking) I got to have great conversations with Kat, Charity, and Pastor Phil. All before the turkey was done. Once the turkey was done...about 2 hours late i got to carry the 18lb. bird roughly two miles to it's resting place at center. My arms didn't stop shaking the whole night. But it was well worth it to see all of the people i had met through various things. A woman i met on discover Tokyo day talked to me about a book i had lent her and was very grateful to see the bible in a manner she could understand in conjunction with her culture (Bible manga!!) I also had the opportunity to talk with one of the ladies in the office, Emi, with whom i discovered a mutual love for movies! Even though i had to run out to retrieve pots, pans, and a forgotten purse, i returned to help with clean up and have good manly moving of tales and love seats with some of the other Japanese guys i had met previously. Yet one of my favorite moments came when two people i new from Carol and Kat's Japanese class were leaving and they specifically said goodbye to me! Made my night!!!
On more just general fun notes; i survived my first earth quake in Japan. apparently there have been others but none that i actually felt until this past Saturday!!! So kool!! On that same day i also had udon for the first time, which is kind of a long white noodle. The udon however, was kind of bland so next time I'm going to try it with soy sauce or something inside it. And just two days ago i expanded my music knowledge by going to a live concert here. The headlining band was Trash Box Jam: The Band, along with some other really good bands. I had so much fun and since Amber is a devotee of the band i knew some of the back history which made it even kooler to hear and watch. And there was this other girl who sounded really good too and so i bought both her and a trash box jam the band CD! YeaH!!! I have Japanese music!
And most recently i had a meeting with my basic group, which is like a prayer/support group amongst the missionaries. Only 3 of the four of could meet because our fourth and most distant member, by location and nothing else, was sick. So Kat, Becky, and I ate dinner, watched movies and had a great time! I cannot wait for a basic where we all get to meet and talk! I love my group!! Well i think that about sums up my last few weeks. Don't worry there are always things happening to update you all one and hopefully i can be better at it in the coming weeks.
Oh yea and something super important that forgot to tell everyone. Since i came here i have been asking God to use me to reach the people of Japan, especially since the incident on the train several weeks ago. Now i have been keeping with this prayer and to this day still pray God would use me to share Jesus with the people of Japan, however, he has seen fit to bless me in a totally unexpected way. Sometime between arriving here in japan and now i have fallen head over heel for one of the other missionaries. I don't want to use names so I'll use an animal analogy for her. Let's use So anyways God places this cat in my life and as of two weeks age we started dating. Seeing the reactions of fellow missionaries and friends has at times been overwhelming but over all a very encouraging and positive experience for me here. I feel so filled with joy when people who know the cat tell me that i bring her to life and break her out of her shell. It's like God is using me not only to impact the lives of the people of Japan but the other missionaries. Now granted I've affected the cat's life much more than some others but i love that he is using me to serve the other missionaries also. So, if you all would please pray for the cat and i, that we would keep God's purpose for our lives as our focus and encourage and strengthen one another in his name! I thank you all for reading my endlessly tiring words and lifting up me and my fellow missionaries in prayer. Please if you have any other prayer requests let me know and they will go on the prayer list. Mata!
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Up, Up, and Away!
It's difficult to post about the last week or so. Not because nothing has happened but because i don't now that i can qualify the things that have happened over the past several days. This past week i've actually had to work while in Japan. And it's kind of the most boring part of working because all i did was attend meetings, however, with all of the people in VYM the meetings themselves weren't that bad. As a group we litened to the things happening in Japan and the ways in which we can help, along with a shortened version of how to work with students in an EFL setting. Beyond that we struggled together to learn about what Satan is doing here in Japan. There were tears and stories of pain and suffering that left most if not all of our team emotionally drained. It wasn't one of those situations you just feel bad about but the sort of thing that pulls the life out of you until you're not quite sure how anyone survived. This is the part where i try to reinforce the need for prayer in Japan. There is so much evil seated just beneath the surface and presented in such a polite way that it's hard for people to see, unless you're looking for it. And in VYM we're desperately searching to bring those things into light. The light of Christ which reveals all the brokenness an hurting so that Christ's love can destroy the lack of love and fill the people of Japan to overflowing.

Amidst all this despair there is life and it is found within each member of VYM. This past week has brought me closer to more members than i would have thought possible. Even with the small interactions i've had until this point this weekend gave me new friends and allies in this ongoing battle for the world. Each day was filled with praise and love like Japan is seldom to see. We worshiped in various ways that helped us to see Christ in ways some of us never would have thought of, and in other more well knows styles. There were great opportunities for prayer, which the Lord has used to refresh and strengthen my relationships with the other Vers. And the sheer amount of hugs makes finding a family here in Japan a needless venture.
In continuing on with my extensive writings about Japan i will now tell you what we did. Pictures will be soon to follow but for now you get only words:
The beginning of the week, as i said, was full of business meetings and some extra-curricular activities, including, a movie night, karaoke, and general hang-outage. The weekend was awesome too! We went to a retreat center near Mt. Fuji.
The retreat place was so great, if felt like being home. And then during the week we worshipped, talked, and just had a great time. This weekend also brought along two firsts for me one which was great, was chopping wood. I love the hard work and sweat involved in physically helping some one where you can see the results. And two the not so great one was sitting in baths with other naked men. Now, now, now...let me explain. A part of Japanese culture is something called an onsen or sento. Basically this means baths to relax in while in your birthday suits. Now as several members of VYM can attest to i was not so thrilled to go, but being the adventurous type that i am i went, alone mind you. Even my roommate ditched me!!! But i went and stayed in the onsen for over an hour. It was nice but soooo boring, nice i was the only one in there who didn't know Japanese. But i did it and can now say that more than likely i would probably do it again but under the same amount of creeped-outness. There's so much that happened this weekend it's hard to pick out the specific moments to write on here but the other one, two...ok just more that come to mind are the bon-fire, gifts test, and apples to apples game. For the bon-fire we had to make it from a lot of wet wood. It was difficult at first but eventually we got it going. this was the first time i had chopped wood. i even taught one of the other members how to do it. And i think she's better at it than i am. :( Anyways moving on...At this bon-fire i had to instill a tradition. When i was in Y-Min we would always make banana boats. Feeling like this was pretty much the same things i instilled that practice here as well. Everyone who had one seemed to really like it and so the banana boats were born. Skipping to the apples to apples game, we had so much fun. At one point we had 15 people playing apples to apples the bible edition. I don't think i have laughed so hard in a long time. These people are so respectful yet, funny with their card playing. Shockingly enough i won! I wasn't sure i could because nearly every argument i made was shot down. It seemed like only when i wasn't talking did i get the think they're trying to tell me something?!?!? Finally, the gifts test. It's hard to explain exactly what this test is meant for, at least for me to explain, but as it seems i am mostly an exhorter, with servant as a follow-up an mercy closing out the top three. The Nigata women find this fascinating! The exhorter side of me means that i like to tell people about Christ in a way that makes sense to them. Along with many other things. the servant side says i like to help people out, at least i hope that's what it means, and the mercy side shows that i feel for people when they are hurting of happy. Overall i'm really happy with how this looks. Cindy has apparently made predictions about my life and future and i'm curious to see how correct she is when all my future comes into view. But so far this combination of qualities is something everyone seems to like and have a much better understanding of that even i do.
But for now that's my week. One of the, if not the greatest, weeks of my life. the women and BOTH Matts here are amazing servants of God. And in serving him have continued to uplift and encourage me. I could not ask for better friends, and yet friends seems to shallow to describe what i feel towards them. These people have become my family. Thank you God for your blessings that are new everyday!
p.s. My roommate Matt and i have taken up the task of praying together every night and would love to pray for you. Please if you have any prayer requests comment on this blog or e-mail them to me at
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Unexpected miracles...
It seems like no matter what I do I cannot stay down in Japan. Now, yes, i realize this will change and have no illusions to the contrary but for now...God is so good. So, last week in my blog i kind of went on a ti-raid about praying for Japan, now a disclaimer for this statement is that my feelings for the need for prayer in Japan HAVE NOT CHANGED!!!!!, but let me clarify what happened to cause my urgent desire for prayer.
On Saturday we had discover Tokyo day and it went really well. We went to Odiba and ate lunch and visited kool places. On the way home i was with my fellow VYMer and friend Jenae. Now usually this was a totally boring ride home cause it lasts an hour and I'm usually by myself, however, this was not the case this night. First of all i was traveling home with an open container of green curry. Long story, but it was entertaining. Second of all Jenae and i were joking and having good conversation. As we were passing one of the stations a man jumped in front of our train. We were in the first car so we could hear and feel everything that came next. One of the saddest parts for us was that Jenae saw him jump.
As I'm sure you can imagine after being here a total of three weeks this is not something you want to ever experience, but afterwards you realize how often it does happen. very seldom is there a day that the word "accident" is not displayed across the train monitors. It's so hard to be in a place where people have no hope. It is for that reason that i still demand prayers for japan!!!
So, i consider myself a hopeless romantic, but in Japan there is real hopelessness. None of this, "oh what if i never find love nonsense?", but honest to goodness, "What have i got to live for?" feelings. I can't describe to you the fear and desperation it places in my heart. I don't want to experience this ever again and what's more i don't want another family to have to suffer through the pointless death of a relative. That's why God brought me here. He knows how much i care about people and i think with as awful a purpose as satan had in mind for this event God has found the way in which to use it for his glory. He's lit a fire under my butt to get over all my remaining hang-ups and get out there with his message! I can think of no better calling than to be a servant of the most high.
He has brought me so much good out of the bad i can only imagine what he has in store for this nation. He brought Jenae and i closer as friends, he revealed to me people can turn to in times of distress and crisis, he told me that it's ok to be angry and upset about the goings-on in the world. It's hard to tell you everything that i have learned in my very short time here. But with all this i cannot wait to hear what the next 2+ years hold.
GOD is good. This week has been such a blessing. Even with my first Japanese test and the events of Saturday i have had one of the best weeks ever. God put the awesome members of VYM into my life to give me hope and comfort in times of distress. And this week has had it's fill of both, yet, never was i able to despair. God always had the right person in mind to reveal to me his greatness. So, this last bit of the post goes out to my fellow VYMers with much thanks. Specifically to Kat, Jenae, Matt, Carol, and Haidee and Cindy (they're really like one person anyways). :P Each of you with your prayers, conversations, hugs, and friendships have shown me that God intends for me to survive my time in Japan. And for everyone not mentioned here i am looking forward to the day when i have these moments with you. Our growing friendships are my anchor in the storms of satan's world. God Bless Japan. Sorry, i should say Thank God for blessing Japan!!
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Start now!!!
If you haven't already been doing it pray for Japan!!!
And DO it now. I don't care if you know me, i don't care if you've never read this blog before and are just passing through, i don't care if you want to do it just pray. Tell your friends, tell your family,tell the guy who smiles at you while you're walking down the street, tell everyone!!! the despair and hopelessness, and the people seeing no other way out than suicide has gone on long enough and only the Lord can stop it. so get on his case and let him know how important Japan and it's people are!! Enough is enough!
just, please....pray for Japan.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
My first lament.
So, this is an incredible moment in history. My first lament from Japan! Hard to believe it took three weeks but here it is. SO i've been in language classes for about two and a half weeks and so far they've been going pretty well. And they still are, BUT, it's so impossible i think my eyes brain might melt and end up coming out my nose. Now don't get me wrong. Some of it i understand and some of it i don't that's not the problem. The problem comes when everything i know is something everyone else knows and everything i don't know is also something everyone else knows. I'm sure it comes from their previous study or current studying habits that i just don't have, but it's still frustrating. I just want to know and communicate the language. I want to talk to people instead of being a typical japanese person who rides the trains in silence and gets off when their stop comes up! I want this nation to be changed through the renewal of their minds with the knowledge of Christ Jesus, but how can i do that if they never hear it?!?!?!? UGH!!! SO frustrating!!!

Although, He is blessing me in other ways beyond measure. In high school i co
nsidered myself lucky to be the person that friends would come to when they were having difficulties and problems that they just wanted to talk out. And since i've been in college i haven't been that person, for whatever reason. But here i feel renewed with the trust that other VYMers and my roommate and other friends have shared with me. I know it's not quite what i had back in high school but it's a step in the right direction. I love, love, looooove listening to people and there are people here who talk to me! It's such a blessing. I want everyone who talks with me and tells me things that are bothering them, or just talks to talk that i love every second of it and i thank you for your friendship, no matter how distant we may be!!
Oh! And i have to tell you. I had one of the most amazing weekends ever!! hanging out in
Exotic cafe's along the ponds of Ueno,
going to a Japanese Oktoberfest, and sharing in a Passion Conference with 2000 other christians in Japan has filled my heart with love that is stored in every muscle and thought i have. though the days are rough and the times are new, i know that everything works to the Lord's benefit and i rejoice in knowing that he wants to use me!! Thank you Lord and use me as you will!!
p.s. after writing this i had an amazing experience on the train where asked a girl her name: Monami and what kind of movies she liked and she told me she likes fantasy!! God works wonders when we can't
Friday, October 10, 2008
Oh the places you'll go...
I really don't know how so start so I'll just jump right in. Japan has brought me a lifetime of information in a two week span of time. I have learned how to say more in Japanese than i ever did in 2 years of German, I've visited more places and had more fun than I can remember, I've met people who have the same or greater fires for the Lord than I do. All of these amazing things and I still haven't gotten to the best part yet. My faith is growing!! I will not lie and say there aren't days when it's hard to be in language class or just be an outsider, but what I will say is that with all the walls that spring up in front of me, there are so many more ladders than Icould have imagined.
My Father God has been privy to more of my company than he has ever been used to and the weird thing is...I think he likes it and so do I. I meet with him everyday on the train to pray for the people I see and those I don't see. We have conversations, albeit one sided conversations (on my part actually VYMers reading this...most of you understand). He shows me miracles I didn't know were miracles. He opens my eyes to the loneliness and suffering of people in a way that I didn't expect. I can't even think of all the stuff he has shoved into my brain lately. He has taken every worry, every hurt, and every mistrust and exploded them into opportunity and peace. Not to mention the friends he has used to fill me up with here; Yzma, Carol, Matt, Kim, Lauren, Yukie, Jenae, Becky, and others I've only just begun to know!! He is challenging me in ways I thought I had under control but realized I do now only through his help. I'm so filled that it's hard to explain in words. I think if you saw my face you could see it there and know the depths of my joy more so than any sentence could explain.
I felt like I should put in here how challenging and difficult things are lately, but I can't. The struggles and concerns that I have aren't things I place in the forefront of my mind. They are little hurdles erected by the devil to deter me from my love for this place and the people here. God is not letting Satan in and I am so grateful for that protection. My God is an Awesome God and he is reigning in my life to the greatest extent ever! My prayer is that this joy overflows into others and the people of Japan that they can be without excuse!!!
Romans 1:19-20
p.s. if you have any prayer requests please let me know so my roommate and I can pray for them.
Monday, September 29, 2008
Way too much to tell...
As the soft rain falls in the background i find myself trying hard to summarize the last few days. It's hard to believe i've been here for less than a week and i already have a life time of experiences. Well anyways this past weekend was one of the greatest of my life. On saturday Matt and I spent the day with my new friend Kanako who took us around the city. We visited so many kool shops and and places to eat. some of both you can see in the new pictures i added. The last place we went to on saturday was named Harajuku. This apparently was a huge fashion place, makes you wonder why i was there but just wait, where Kanako bought Matt and i t-shirts. Matt's says samurai or warrior and mine says, "Me." pure and simple. (I told you you'd see why i was there.) After touring the city for awhile we went to lunch at this Japanese pasta place which was good. But the best part of the day was when we went to this plum wine restaurant. We sat on the baclony and had one of the most amazing views i have ever seen. for about a day it was the greatest view i had ever seen but that was before Rappongi.
Anyways on sunday we went to church at St. Paul's International Lutheran church for both the english and Japanese service. Even though i was so lost in the Japanese service i still enjoyed it. And afterwards when we were introduced to the congregation they blessed us with Japanese hymnals. In Japanese of course, so i cannot wait to learn how to read mine. :P After wards we went to lunch with Yukie and Carol, a fellow VYMer, at an Indian restaurant. Following lunch we went and toured a portion of the emperor's gardens. It's so beautiful in Japan you can't imagine. OH! I forgot to tell you that before we went to church Matt and I, having gotten to church over an hour early, toured a shinto temple just down the road from St. Paul's. I felt so sad that such beauty and time is wasted on a belief that is meaningless.
LAter on sunday Kanako, our amazing tour guide, took us all, me, Matt, Kim, and lauren, to Rappongi. this is apparently the international center of Tokyo. After having tea, we went to a spot where we were going to see a nice view of Tokyo, however, we discovered that there was a sky aquarium in one of the taler buildings so we went there instead. Let me tell you, the view from this building was the greatest i have ever seen, especially at night. I wish my pictures had turned out better so you could understand but you'll have to accept my feeble attempts to capture the beauty of Tokyo.
ANd now today, on our day off we spent time with Matt's friend from the lutheran college here in tokyo. We rode lots of trains and went bowling here. i didn't know they had bowling here but they do and it was a blast. it was here that Matt's friends became my friends also. After bowling we had dinner at an Outback Steakhouse, I know right?!?! Outback in Japan, but here it is and it was one of the most fun nights i have had. I'll never forget the time spent with (sorry if i spell their names wrong but how are you guys gonna know anyways.) Matt, erika, Seiko, Shoko, Maika, and Youskei. They even surprised Matt, Youskei, and myself with birthday greetings, since our birthdays are all in September. They even gave us all picture frames with pictures of our group. I feel so blesed to be accepted so quickly into a group of amazing people. God has truly been with me here in Japan and i cannot have chosen a better place to serve the Lord. Till next time with hope in Christ.
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Cultural Enlightenment
As my roommate takes his first nap of our journey i decided to write my first blog from Japan. As i'm sure you're expecting it's sooooo much different here than it is in the United states. Oh, and yes, we made it safely and are all set up for the adventures to come. Anyways, I love this place and the culture here. Their history matched with their modernization creates an amazing dynamic that i think people often miss because they focus too often on one or the other. But let's start with what i've been up to.
My first day her the thing i noticed most were the trains....holy cow the trains!!! everywhere is gotten to through train travel. I've decided i don't like the trains a whole lot because no one says anything. people travel hundred of miles by train and no one says anything. And on a more serious note; you can see how lost and hurting people are when you watch them on the trains. there have been two different times in the last two days where i have prayed that the Lord help these people because you can just see the hurt in their faces and it breaks my heart. Speaking of trains i love being taller than most of the people here because that means i get air conditioning and fresh air from my extreme vantage point. Even one of the american girls here remarked how tall me and my roommate Matt are.
Another thing that i found astonishing about being here are the vending machines. There is a vending machine on nearly every corner. They sell tea, coffee, and my personal favorite: Diet Coke!! However, with as many vending machines as they have there are very few garbage cans. They recycle a lot but their recycling and garbage cans are few and far between.
Moving on to living, Matt and myself live in the seminary dorms called Luther House. We live with two seminarians for a total of four of us in a house. I love living here because it's quiet and there is a woman who makes us breakfast every morning. This is good because with the way money goes right now i'll need the free meal. Right near us is an amazing park that Matt and discovered and explored today! And they have one of the greatest ice cream flavors i have ever tasted: Cantaloupe!! Although here it's called Hokkaido meron. And one of the koolest things i've noticed here in Japan is that while no one really has a yard there is so much green. The landscape is beautiful and the buildings just seem to fit in some how like the island is living in and around the buildings. It's so beautiful. Also today we applied for our Alien Identification cards which will allow us to get bank accounts and prove that we are who we say we are. I love the food here, however, the only thing i cannot bring myself to eat is Tofu (sorry Megan, it's not good!).
We also toured the church where we will be receiving our language classes and the area around Chiyoda. Meeting the staff there was one of the most awkward experiences of my life, although they tried and i think it was more us americans that felt out of place. Yet we did get a nice giggle out of Katrina who thought it was hysterical. I'm excited to meet the rest of the VYMers who are here. I think they will be a big encouragement.
Well that's enough for now. I'll post pictures soon and if you want to know more you can facebook, skype, or AIM me and talk whenever i'm available.
Prayer List:
1. People of Japan that their loneliness and despair can be cured with the love of God.
2. Me so that i can find my way around the city and not miss home as much.
3. My fellow VYMers that we may encourage one another and support each other with the love of Christ.
4. My friends and family back home who are struggling with my absence.
5. The work God intends to be done in Japan so that i can help to further that to His ultimate glory.
More to come...
Monday, September 22, 2008
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Tests that have weird grading scales...
the Lord really knows how to test us when we're really gonna need it. Right now his tests consist of letting go. This week i am saying my first final goodbyes. Everytime I leave a friend's apartment or am going to my car, I know the look or the hug that is coming is meant to be the last one. However, I always say I'm here until... and then say we'll see each other again before i leave. I can't let go. I want to go to Japan desperately (especially considering the amount vaccinations have cost) yet i don't want to leave things here. I want to load up my airline Uhaul and fly to Japan with all of my stuff. Yet, I know that the true test from the Lord right now is to let things go. He's trying to show me that stuff doesn't matter and to trust in him. And it's really hard for me!
I think the hardest things to let go of are my friends and family. Not that i'm never going to see them again necissarily, just that i must leave them here as i go forward. It's a journey i want to take but one that will be tought simply for the fact that i am so attached to everything i have here. Oh well, i guess i have to trust in him infinitely more than i already do. Pray for that if anything. Oh, that and fundraising.
And you can take 70 pound dogs with you to Japan right? If not my puppy needs to find a good home. Please let me know if you know of one.
With hope in Christ.
I think the hardest things to let go of are my friends and family. Not that i'm never going to see them again necissarily, just that i must leave them here as i go forward. It's a journey i want to take but one that will be tought simply for the fact that i am so attached to everything i have here. Oh well, i guess i have to trust in him infinitely more than i already do. Pray for that if anything. Oh, that and fundraising.
And you can take 70 pound dogs with you to Japan right? If not my puppy needs to find a good home. Please let me know if you know of one.
With hope in Christ.
Monday, September 1, 2008
Times are "a-changin'"...
This past week has been amazing and yet awful at the same time. More awful than amazing. Here's what happened. I have been feeling recently that I'm totally unprepared for Japan and should not go. Along with that my fundraising hasn't been progressing as well as i had hoped, in fact, hasn't progressed at all in the past week. (please don't take it as a plee for more fundraising just a comment on how things are going.) Now along with this i have a ton of bills coming up that i do not have the money for and my home life is becoming stressful. In line with this i have to give my dear sweet puppy up for adoption because my parents are over stressed and cannot take care of her the way ether of us want to. So, this is my stressful situation as it stands. I hate writing these type of things because i know that there are people out there that are more stressed than i am but i need to vent and since the one above my chin doesn't seem to work i use the printed word.
Anyway with all this stuff just stressin' me out there have been some great things happening. Like when my brother and sister and i go to Ihop for breakfast every Sunday after church, or the fact that i meet with my pastor every week at a Wendy's just to talk, and today i went out to dinner with my family and we had the best time, my nephew's screaming not included. But going to dinner and then going back to my grandparent's house was awesome. I helped my grandpa with food and just sat and socialized; for the first time in a long time i felt like i belonged there. Then on the way home my brother, sister, and i sang country songs in the car. IT was an awesome experience! I am so thankful to the Lord for how he is providing for me lately. Maybe not with money and fundraising, but with friends and family. He has even given me a partner in fighting against my sinful nature. Something a friend said to me once has just been coming back to me and convicting em of my sin so that when those sins return i think of her and am strengthened! He is so great and i am so anxious to see the plans he has in store for me.
Prayer requests:
- My family so that they can overcome the difficulties they are facing.
- Fundraising, in all it's forms.
- My walk with the Lord
- Preparations for Japan
- Guidance
Sunday, August 24, 2008
What you've all been waiting for...
Finally, I find that I have something to tell the world about my beginnings as a missionary. This past weekend was my commissioning service at my church. Well it's still this week because I have one more service to attend on Monday evening. After our services I think it was the first one that was the most meaningful, to me at least. On Satuday night my entire family came and celebrated birthdays of our family members from like July through September. Afterwards each and every one of them went to my first comissioning service.
Not gonna of the most rewarding services of my life. I think this ranks in the top five of services (thanks Ashley E. for the stolen rating system) because I had a new perspective on everything that was going on. While I may not have realized it at the time each time I sang a song or said a prayer it had more of an impact on me than ever before. Because my family was there to share it with me and it would be the words I'll remember when in a foreign country where the language isn't always so comforting. I swear, that every time a song got to the middle of a verse I was fighting back tears. It's so humbling that God can move us to such joy and love in the actions of his Word in this world.
I am also now so encouraged by the support my mom has given me because half of the music chosen at this service was done by her. She is in a praise singer's group at my church that sings on Saturdays and while she chose the songs that were so appropriate she also sang them directly to me. It adds so much to know it's meant specifically for you. If only we thought that way about every worship service.
You ever get that feeling that you aren't ever going to be prepared for what's coming until it's already happened? Like all this weekend people have been asking me if I'm nervous or frightened about the undertaking God has directed for me. And each time I responded with a very confident, "No". There is no fear in my heart or mind...or at least there wasn't. Not until this blog, have I felt the fear that comes with leaving everything behind and starting anew. I know why I want to do this and I know why God wants me to do this and I know I have the support of both my Lord and my firends and family yet I still feel like I am lacking something... Something that now frightens me.
I don't know exactly how these blogs work but I can imagine mine will be chock full of my concerns and worries along with God's victories and lessons. He and I are in this together and I expect you'll see reflections of us both in this journal of our time in Japan.
Prayer requests:
1. Pray that while the fundraising may be slow, that I keep the faith in God knowing, He will provide for all my needs.
2. For strength and motivation to accomplish the tasks appointed to me both here and once in Japan.
3. That I may be encouraged and active in my communication with my supporters and those who care about me.
4. Bring before the Lord my failings that he will fill them up with His strength, mercy, forgiveness, and love. So that my sinful self will not stand in the way of His grace.
5. Finally pray for the unknown, both those who I will meet and anything else that I may confront. That it all be left in the hands of the Lord who knows all things.
Not gonna of the most rewarding services of my life. I think this ranks in the top five of services (thanks Ashley E. for the stolen rating system) because I had a new perspective on everything that was going on. While I may not have realized it at the time each time I sang a song or said a prayer it had more of an impact on me than ever before. Because my family was there to share it with me and it would be the words I'll remember when in a foreign country where the language isn't always so comforting. I swear, that every time a song got to the middle of a verse I was fighting back tears. It's so humbling that God can move us to such joy and love in the actions of his Word in this world.
I am also now so encouraged by the support my mom has given me because half of the music chosen at this service was done by her. She is in a praise singer's group at my church that sings on Saturdays and while she chose the songs that were so appropriate she also sang them directly to me. It adds so much to know it's meant specifically for you. If only we thought that way about every worship service.
You ever get that feeling that you aren't ever going to be prepared for what's coming until it's already happened? Like all this weekend people have been asking me if I'm nervous or frightened about the undertaking God has directed for me. And each time I responded with a very confident, "No". There is no fear in my heart or mind...or at least there wasn't. Not until this blog, have I felt the fear that comes with leaving everything behind and starting anew. I know why I want to do this and I know why God wants me to do this and I know I have the support of both my Lord and my firends and family yet I still feel like I am lacking something... Something that now frightens me.
I don't know exactly how these blogs work but I can imagine mine will be chock full of my concerns and worries along with God's victories and lessons. He and I are in this together and I expect you'll see reflections of us both in this journal of our time in Japan.
Prayer requests:
1. Pray that while the fundraising may be slow, that I keep the faith in God knowing, He will provide for all my needs.
2. For strength and motivation to accomplish the tasks appointed to me both here and once in Japan.
3. That I may be encouraged and active in my communication with my supporters and those who care about me.
4. Bring before the Lord my failings that he will fill them up with His strength, mercy, forgiveness, and love. So that my sinful self will not stand in the way of His grace.
5. Finally pray for the unknown, both those who I will meet and anything else that I may confront. That it all be left in the hands of the Lord who knows all things.
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
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